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5 Ways to Avoid a Complicated Divorce

 Posted on March 01, 2018 in Divorce

There is no disagreement about the fact the divorces can be complicated as well as financially and emotionally complex. However, not all divorces have to be messy and contentious; there are many things that you can do to mitigate battles and avoid catastrophe. Here are five ways to avoid a complicated divorce in Illinois

1. Don’t Take Advice from Unqualified Individuals

If you’re going through a divorce, chances are you’ve told your closest family members and friends about the divorce and may have even shared the news with other parties, ranging from your neighbors to your hairstylist and more. While these parties may all want to provide you with advice–and have good intentions in doing so–remember that these individuals are not qualified to represent you during a divorce and may not have the education or skill set to provide you with sound suggestions. Essentially, don’t act on the advice of someone unqualified.

2. Watch Out for the Power of Emotions

Emotions can be very powerful, and the temptation to act on feelings of anger, resentment, or sadness may be overwhelming. While being emotional is normal, making decisions based on those emotions is never a good idea. Instead, act with a sound and clear mind, and turn to a professional for advice if you’re not sure what the best option is.

3. Consider Options Like Collaborative Divorce and Mediation

Instead of simply filing for divorce and then waiting for a court to make a decision, you may want to consider options like collaborative divorce, where both parties agree to civilly collaborate to resolve issues, or mediation, where a couple works with a third-party mediator to come to an agreement. When a settlement can be reached in one of these manners, feelings are often preserved, and couples are more likely to both get what they want.

4. Prioritize Out-of-Court Settlements

Going to court is expensive, takes a lot of time, and can be very stressful. What’s more, if your case goes to court, you will have very little control regarding its outcome. Your goal should be to prioritize an out-of-court settlement for your divorce, which will mean acting logically and rationally, and being willing to compromise on issues.

5. Work with an Attorney

One way to protect your best interests in a divorce and avoid serious complications is to work with an attorney. An attorney can do everything from advise you on different issues and what your best options are moving forward to negotiate on your behalf.

Contact Fay, Farrow & Associates, P.C. Today

If you are going through a divorce, a trusted attorney with a lot of experience is recommended. At the law firm of Fay, Farrow & Associates, P.C., we have the legal team you’re looking for. To schedule an initial consultation with our law firm, please send us a message or call our law offices today. We will help you explore your options for avoiding a complicated divorce while also protecting the things that matter most to you.

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