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Dealing With Anxiety and Depression Associated With Divorce

 Posted on March 01, 2017 in Divorce

Everyone feels anxious and sad at some point in their lives. However, traumatic and difficult experiences – like divorce – can lead to diagnosable anxiety and depression. These mental health issues go far beyond being worried, stressed, upset, or unhappy and may require treatment. The first step to handling these issues during a divorce is recognizing the signs of anxiety and depression and admitting when these issues have become detrimental to your everyday life.

Common signs of anxiety include:

  • Constant or intense feeling of nervousness or restlessness
  • Trouble concentrating on something other than your worry or fear
  • Trouble or inability to control worry
  • A sense of danger, doom, or panic
  • Increased heart rate
  • Rapid breathing or shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Gastrointestinal issues such as upset stomach or diarrhea
  • Muscle tension
  • Sleep issues

Common Signs of depression include:

  • Feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Reduced or lost interest in activities you used to like, such as hobbies, sports, or sex
  • Irritability, frustration, anger, and loss of your temper
  • Over sleeping or inability to sleep
  • Lack of energy and fatigue
  • Increased appetite or reduced appetite
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Unexplainable physical ailments such as headaches

If any of these issues become chronic and effect your ability to sleep, eat, work, and perform your daily activities, you should speak with a physician. Everyone experiences anxiety and sadness from time to time, but these emotions should never make it impossible to live your life.

Seek Help

If you believe you are suffering from depression, anxiety, or are simply having a difficult time with your divorce, do not be afraid to ask for help from a psychologist, psychiatrist, or support group. It can be incredibly difficult to admit your feelings have gone beyond what you can manage yourself. However, you are not alone. Many divorcees struggle with the emotional repercussions of ending a marriage. Moving into a future is scary and it is healthy to talk about what is going on and if necessary, receive treatment for anxiety or depression.

Rely on Your Support Network

If you have family, friends, or religious leaders who you can speak with about your divorce, rely on them. Many divorcees are hesitant to burden others with their thoughts or feelings. However, most family members, friends, and priests or rabbis have an open door policy. In addition to seeking help for anxiety or depression, keep in touch with those you are close with who have expressed a willingness to listen and help.

Find Other Divorcees

If you do not want to attend therapy and you do not have friends or family to lean on, consider meeting other divorcees in your area through a divorce-specific support group. Many local divorce support groups can be found online through Meetup.com or other organizations. It might sound like therapy, but many support groups simply offer individuals a safe place to go, discuss their feelings, vent their frustrations, and offer each other moral support.

This can enable you to make friends and build a support network that will help you move forward after your divorce. Your support group may not need to focus on the divorce. Instead, you can use it as a way to be more social and enjoy life.

Remember to Exercise

Exercising is as important to the mind as it is to the body. While a good jog every day cannot cure anxiety or depression, it can be a critical component in treating these issues. Even if you do not have a diagnosable issue, exercise will improve your mood and help you manage the stress of a divorce. Your choice of exercise should be whatever works best for your abilities and lifestyle. It may include a long walk, yoga, or weight lifting. Combine your exercise with proper breathing and healthy eating for the maximum benefit.

Contact an Experienced Naperville Divorce Lawyer

Another way to minimize your worry and fears during a divorce is to contact an experienced divorce attorney from Fay, Farrow & Associates, P.C. at 630-961-0060. By working with a skilled and resourceful lawyer, you will have guidance through the divorce process and someone to fight for your rights, even during contentious proceedings.

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